Wednesday, July 1, 2015

7 - Fit

"Physical fitness"

Great! My favorite topic so far! Let's get physical! Haha! I like to be physique it's like I'm always active everyday. Being physically fit is really important, especially if you are a sporty person and like to play a lot of sports. It is a healthy activity that will change you lifestyle better. Physical fitness needs to have a lot of hard work and determination to meet your goal. Not just sitting on your chair in your office and then you'll drink some supplements or some things that will make your body look "physique". That's wrong. Completely wrong. I guarantee you, get your ass up and work hard for your body.

I'm gonna tell you something about my physical timeline. When I was a kid, I want to be a bodybuilder like my brother because when I think about bodybuilding or working out, I think that I can be stronger, good-looking body, and handsome (umm... yes?). I really-really like to start working out the time when my brother's body is already "physique" and buffed up. What I do is when I go with my two brothers to the gym, I'll just use the treadmill and the workout bicycle. It's like.. ughh I was a kid okay? Ahaha! I think that when I use the treadmill or the workout bicycle for like 3 months? I think that my body will become a physically fit but actually, I just became thinner and thinner. Stupid me. Hahaha! Damn.

As time goes by, I went to YouTube site then searched "biceps mass work out". All of a sudden, why would I search that even though I am only like 13 years old? That time? Haha! Because somebody said that if you work out below 18 or at underage, your height will shrink. I was so impatient.
Another one is I didn't think bigger, I searched that line but how about my other muscles? Like, my triceps, abs, chest, calves.. you know, It's kinda not perpendicular to my body it's like you are only working as an individual but not as whole. It should be whole so that all of your muscles has a bigger mass and it would really look physique. I admit, I was so immature back then.

Now, this time, when I get back here in the Philippines my brother showed me some program that you can workout easier and better without hassle. That program is easy because you can workout without any equipment needed, unlike others you have to go the gym just to do that exercises. The program is a home workout which is actually for those who do not want to go to the gym and spend all their money there which is more stressful. Here, you can get a healthier, slender, and a 99% guaranteed
physique body. Actually, the only equipment that you will use in this program are dumbbells and a pull-up bar, that's it, then you can now proceed to your exercises. Simple, right? Hassle-free program for me ahaha! I am now on day 47? I think? Now, my body made a huge difference than the last time, it's like my body is already shaped and toned and I am so in love with it. <3 Do you wanna know what program do I use? What if I don't say it? No, hahaha! The program is P90X. Haha! If you want to start now? Then START NOW! Don't be a hypocrite that some people say that they will do it but actually don't, so what are you waiting for? Start changing your lifestyle to a healthier place! :D

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