Tuesday, August 18, 2015

8 - Epic week

"SoCSIT Week"

Yup, our SoCSIT (School of Computer Science and Information Technology) week was kinda okay to me. I was a JPCS (Junior Philippine Computer Society) officer on that week. I recently quit because I must focus in my studies and I'll just join again another time. Anyways, actually, the SoCSIT week was prepared and organized by JPCS officers, all I can say is, it's good, though it failed a little bit. I admit that I was not active and not organizing that time. The theme of our event is Take
It Back or Take I.T. Back. If you don't understand much, we need to dress like we're in the 80s or 90s and it should to the technologies back then Well, the opening ceremony, some say it's bad, some say it's good but for me it's good enough because what if we walk down along the street that it's very too long? It will be boring, instead, they made it a little short walk around the parking lot of our school and introduce and explain our banner why.

The second event that made us really happy is the 30 seconds of fame or shame event. In that event, there are three judges who will watch your performance. You must show your 30 second performance and then the judges will decide if your performance is a fame or a shame. If the judges picked the fame for you, then you won't be punished and you will get prizes. If they picked the shame for you, then you will be punished and you will drink a nasty drink that is really gross. If I'm not mistaken the ingredient of the drink is milk, ground pepper, and soy sauce. It will taste like a KFC gravy that it's really disgusting, but others liked it though. Our classmate, Daniel Llanillo, he is the last performer who performed on the stage and the result is brilliant the judges are jubilant because of what he showed there. What he did was, he danced the Watch me (Whip/Nae Nae) and he performed the twerking dance which is the Twerk It Like Miley. After that, the judge joined with him and did a showdown in front of the crowd and it was fun! And lastly, what I'm going to tell you is a little x-rated but our school had sponsored Topp Cock while the week is on-going. I thinking that time and I'm curious what is it? After several hours, they gave it to us MEN for free and then I read something, "Odor neutralizer for men parts with silver nano particles" and then me and my classmate was talking about that in a room for about 2 hours because we saw it for the first time and we're not used to it so forgive us. Haha!

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