- What Lurenne said in his blog post, "8 - Party", was true. That frosh night was one of our best night ever. He also said the best part was the last part of the party was the rave part and I agree to him because we were so wild there and it's we were not in ourselves (If you get it haha!)
2. Miguel Matawran - Hobby
- Well, mostly, this is our best hobby that we have in our life. We really like to play basketball and this is our entertainment when we are bored. Unfortunately, Mico is injured, forever, I think. He said something that he will not play aggressively but still he can.
3. Gabriel Estabillo - Bayan o Sarili?
- I choose for bayan! Because I am proud to serve my country for my citizenship as a Filipino and being a Filipino for me is one of my happiest experience. Because a Filipinos don't ever back down.
4. Kenard Pascua - People still campaign against smoking for some reason
- I absolutely agree to Kenard because it's obviously dangerous and not healthy to smoke cigarette but they still campaign for not smoking? I mean, we are already aware that smoking is not good for us. He said, "Convincing someone to stop smoking is like screaming at a brick wall." I 99.9% agree to this statement.
5. Louis Llanillo - Air Jordan is The Best Shoes
- Hmm... Not really the best of the best shoes but these shoes are one of the best. There are several shoes that are also great like Reebok, Mizuno, Adidas, Under Armour, and especially Nike. For me, Nike is my best shoes that I wore for all my life. I think Louis is telling that Jordan is the best shoes because it is both suited for sports and style. :D
6. Jimmy Famador - World Peace
- I also hope that there are already peace happening in this world. Here in APC, I already noticed something happening in our block, but I still need to think positive so that I will not start a new problem or a new issue.
7. Argel Janfred Cornel - There's No Place I'd Rather Be
- We are almost the same when we are travelling around the world. We also want the place to be extraordinary so that we would really entertain ourselves and see new things to our life. We are also curious because these places that he's talking about are places that we saw the images in the internet, Facebook, magazines, and many more.
- Take this as a challenge, not a complaint. That's what I like when someone is thinking positive in life. These challenges are only obstacles that we can solve it for ourselves.
9. Wesley Silvestre - Gadgets
- I agree to his blog post, because this is also the main problem of today's generation. Kids today can't concentrate in their academics because they are distracted when it comes to gadgets. I hope that theses kids can still change and focus to their studies so that in the future they'll meet their own goals.
10. Mary Comia - Mother's Love
- Our mothers are the very best woman that came into our life. She is everything. We can love her unconditionally and unlimited, like 24 hours and 7 days. I was really touched about Mary's post, because she stated all about their experiences.
11. Zian Vertudes - Food Wins!
- Foods are awesome. Yes, because foods can satisfy our needs. I agree to her post, because foods are definitely better than in a relationship. Foods are always there for us even though we are not there for them. They always take care of our health.
12. Buena Talosig - Thank you!
- Yep, these are two magical words that can appreciate what makes us happy or what makes us satisfied. Buena mentioned different languages of saying Thank You, but he never mentioned the Arabic word of Thank You huhu. I'm sad. Joke haha.
13. Krisper Bariuan - Best Friends Forever
- I have a best friend also but we're not quite communicating to each other because of the assignments and homework that are doing for us. We became busy because we are now in college and we will not let these fall our grades down 'again'. But still, he still my best-est friend! :D
14. Liahon Macasaet - Me, Myself, and I
- I didn't know that your name came from there but your post was fun and interesting. I also didn't know that you are that kind of person. She's silent though. I am happy for your because you have a strong faith in God. :)
15. Pangilinan Patricia - High School
- Well, I also miss my high school but it's not that great when I became 4th year because that time I didn't seriously studied the lessons and did not do my assignments properly. I still miss my high school though because of my friends, they are really the ones who are always there for me in times problems. I agree, high school is one of my best years in life.