Tuesday, August 18, 2015

10 - To Smoke Or Not?

"APC's Anti-Smoking Campaign"

Smoking is the common vice for the people who likes to relieve stress and get away with the problems. Well, if you are a smoker or not, it's your choice if you want to read my blog about this because you're not the only one who is smoking cigarettes. It's okay, I'm not an anti-smoker nor smoker, I'm just a typical guy that has a
realistic personality and a little practical about the world. Well, smoking, may actually keep you calm and free from stresses and problems occurring in your life but there's always a saying that feeling good will have a change for your life like example.

If you had a good time with your friends but then you found out when you got home you're deadline of submission of your project is tomorrow morning or more like when you and your friends went to a club in the middle of the night, and then when you are now going home you realized that you don't have a money for commuting anymore. You're screwed. Just like in smoking cigarettes, yes after you smoke one cigarette stick you feel good and then after like 3-5 years after smoking 1-5 sticks everyday you'll realize that you are having a hard time breathing from your lungs. That's the hard part when you smoke cigarettes for a long time.

But hey! What if you use a vape or an e-cigarette (electric cigarette)? Is it safer than smoking? Honestly, my answer to that is I don't know. Well, for my opinion, vaping or smoking vape is less dangerous than cigarettes because vaping uses only E-Liquid or some others called juice, it only begins with an organic vegetable glycerin which is healthier than smoking nicotine and tobacco. Yes, some e-juice has a tobacco but if you really want to smoke healthier just use a non-nicotine e-juice. They say that vaping is the way to quit smokers or vaping does help smokers quit cigarette smoking. For me, it's a yes because I like to smoke, I admit it, but not that much. I don't smoke cigarette but I use vape sometimes. Hmm... Vaping for me is a stress reliever and it keeps me calm for some time. But to smoke or not? The answer is on you.

For me? VAPE ON. (But not too much :))

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